
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ret's Mastery

We have actually changed Retribution's mastery. Having both it and Inquisition boost Holy damage was giving too much power to things like Exorcism (over which you have very little control) and not enough to things like Templar's Verdict (which is supposed to be the centerpiece of your rotation). The new mastery will emphasize Templar's Verdict more.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Leveling the same class?

Did it felt boring doing the same stuff you did last time? Did you had more fun since you know your class a lot more? Each time you level a character, your knowledge of the game increases. So, even if you were to level one character to 80 and then immediately level another in an identical fashion—same faction, class, race, quest progression, etc—I imagine that your experiences would still differ greatly. If anything, the second time around, you'd have a better understanding of your class' mechanics and could melt face with awesome efficiency. Who could argue with that?
Speaking personally, though, I've leveled a number of classes more than once and I enjoy the process immensely. There's so many different ways to play a single class, and it can be a fun challenge to discover them all. It's a novel sort of familiarity—even if think you know everything there is to know about priests, or shaman, or rogues, since you're playing at different experience level and in different environments, there's always the opportunity to learn something new.
Like Kaneka noted, so long as play what you enjoy, it's hard not to have a good time. In the end, though, you won't know how you like leveling a class more than once until give it a try. :)

Operation: Gnomeregan Canceled?

The plans for the operation are ongoing. Do not fear. We'll let you know when the call goes out. Then we shall see what heights the gnomes can truly rise up to!

Now when Valnoth said ALL dungeons...

Aigle 09/01/2010 10:58:32 PDT Re: Q u o t e:
Heroic SFK/Deadmines are not being released with Cataclysm, but with a patch after it goes live.

Heroics are not ready for testing.

Heroic Shadowfang Keep and Heroic Deadmines WILL be released with Cataclysm. You will not have to wait for a later patch.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tell your friends!

Heya guys, please spread this around to everyone you know.

I kinda have a huge ego and it'll make me really happy to see lots of followers :)

Raid Rx: What's up with these location healing spells?

Every week, Raid Rx will help you quarterback your healers to victory! Your host is Matt Low, the grand pooh-bah of World of Matticus and a founder of No Stock UI, a WoW blog for all things UI-, macro- and addon-related. If you're looking for more healing advice, check out the Plus Heal community.
That's what the current Holy Word: Sanctuary looks like on beta, if you were curious.

I haven't really thought of a cool name for this new type of spells yet. Maybe someone else can coin a better term for them. Of course, what I'm referring to are the new AoE spells that all the healing classes have gained:
Efflorescence Power Word: Barrier Holy Word: Sanctuary Light of Dawn Healing RainThis is going to involve a new set of healing tactics for healers to learn and get accustomed to. I predict that there's going to be a bit of a learning curve, not just for the healer but for the rest of the players, as well. I had a strange dream the other night. You know how some players have difficulty moving out of fires or void zones? Well, I dreamed that those same players would somehow be able to miss standing on healing circles.

So what is the best way to utilize these new abilities?

Let's start with a quick breakdown and analysis of these spells.

Efflorescence The latest beta build nerfed this ability. It went from having a larger radius (which was 15 yards, I believe) down to 4 yards. But if you think it about it, that nerf may have been warranted. Just imagine crit-healing multiple targets. If anything good were to come out of this, though, I think it'd be a pretty good way to teach players how to really stack on top of one other (like our melee class friends). Light of Dawn Paladins get to be fairly unique here. They don't really get a location-type spell. The position of the paladin and the direction he is facing is the key factor here. In the past, I've often had healers face the opposite direction to watch for incoming projectiles or other threats. Paladins will need to be quick on the ball here to whip around and unleash a Light of Dawn in the direction of players who need it. Healing Rain Finally! Shaman get an additional area of effect spell, meaning I won't have to ask mine to just Chain Heal and pray it hits the right players. For this to be effective, players need to stand in the shower. It can be cast instantly, it has a 10-second cooldown and it lasts for 10 seconds. Power Word: Barrier In true discipline priest style, this large bubble will help shield the damage players take as long as they stand within the area. I've tried it out in a few instances, on rare occasions that my party manages to group for some reason or other. It seemed to burst in a matter of seconds. Either way, it is pretty awesome to time it so that a large bubble appears, followed by a massive strike by the boss and then seeing it vanish without the health bars of the party moving. Holy Word: Sanctuary This is like an inverse Consecration for priests. Anyone who stands on the blessed ground gets healed accordingly. You have to activate the Prayer of Healing Chakra first; only then will Holy Word: Chastise morph into Holy Word: Sanctuary.
There are a few things to mull over, and I haven't gotten the chance to figure it out yet. Is there a limit to the number of players that can be affected by these heals? I know that Holy Word: Sanctuary affected everyone in my party, but I didn't get a chance to check it out in a raid environment.

Of the spells, only Power Word: Barrier has a cap on the amount of total "healing" (or damage prevention, in this case) that can be done. Other spells have a cap per player. Assuming the sky's the limit, any number of players can get healed up by being in the right position, whereas the barrier will shatter after a certain amount of damage is absorbed, whether there is only one person or five people.

But it's beta, right? Anything can change.

Finding the sweet spot

I've already started thinking ahead to how and where to drop Power Word: Barrier or Holy Word: Sanctuary. Should there be designated zones? Should there be times where healers have to yell out, "Stack up!"? Raiders are going to need to get accustomed to moving around to benefit from these spells. It won't be too far of a stretch to say that spreading out will continue to be a requirement in different encounters. At least you can drop the spells and place the onus on the raiders to stand on it. Personally, I had a hard time training raiders to use Lightwell. Maybe I'll have an easier time getting players to run and stand on the big, glowing disc on the ground or stand inside the large bubble instead. It is large and you can't miss.

Actually, the more I think about it, assigning heals might just all depend on the encounters. We've got these additional tools at our disposal now. They are an answer to any number of problems. Ultimately, the strategy will all depend on the fight in question.

I tried to think of different ways to apply these spells to the various Wrath raid encounters. There seem to be a limitless amount of possibilities. How about using heroic Sindragosa? My guild is working on her right now, and we're getting our butts kicked. Wouldn't mind putting some of these spells to use there.

It'll be a fairly big shift, no matter what. The expansion can't come soon enough. Right now, it's time to head back into beta so I can keep using and abusing these abilities.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Queue: I, Mike Sacco, smell terrible

Welcome back to The Queue,'s daily Q&A column in which the team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Mike Sacco will be your host today.

This title is what happens when you don't title your own post and leave it to Alex to do it. You have all been warned.

Sumadin asked:

With Menethil Harbor flooded how do Alliance players get to Theramore and Howling Fjord? Has it all been moved to Stormwind?
As it turns out, docks float. Menethil Harbor is both a fully-functional quest hub and fully-functional port town. You can still get to Theramore and Valiance Keep from there.

Kavu asked:

I wonder about worgen form and combat -- I remember hearing that worgen would need to be in worgen form while in combat, but if you're in human form and, let's say, cast Moonfire do you then have to go through the few second transformation?

Transformation only takes time when you hit the Two Forms button. When going into combat or casting a spell, the change is instantaneous.

Mau asked:

While there was no internet today, I randomly decided to see the game's credits and the arts shown there surprised me. There was one landscape I didn't recognize though, in vanilla WoW's credits, a city built on a petrified nautiloid-looking thing (or is it a city on a hill that's been sculpted like a nautiloid?), any clue on what that place is?

It's uncertain for what the art was going to originally be used, but its untextured model is currently in-game on Designer Island. Also present on Designer Island: mining and herb nodes of every type. Weird.

ROB13 asked:

We already know that mounts will scale to the highest riding level I.E. Bronze Drakes going 310% if you have a Violet Proto Drake, but will the Sea Turtle scale to the new faster Sea Horse mounts we get in Vashj'ir?

At this point in beta, no, they don't. They might later, but it's unlikely -- getting that water mount is a rite of passage in the zone.

Crewdie asked:

So in the expansion, you get locked into a talent tree as soon as you pick it, right? Any chance this will affect the LFG system? As in "You aren't spec'ed to tank, you can't tank?"

As of a few builds ago, I was able to queue as healing on my elemental shaman. I haven't tested it recently.

The Light and How to Swing It: The holy paladin checklist

Every Sunday, Chase Christian of The Light and How to Swing It invites you to discuss the finer side of the paladin class: the holy specialization. This week, we discuss how to mentally prepare for every encounter.

Way back in the day, before any of us had the opportunity to actually play the game, Blizzard was in the process of developing the classes of WoW. Rogues were designed to be sneaky stabbers and priests were based around doing heal-y things. Shamans and paladins were created to be in direct opposition to each other. The designated shaman archetype was the offensive hybrid, giving their friends extra damage potential and eventually Bloodlust.

Paladins were the antonym, created to help defend their raid and party from damage and to provide useful buffs. While much of the original intentions have been diluted via homogenization, paladins are still the ultimate defensive class. Unfortunately, in order to perform our role in the face of constantly changing opponents and venues, our toolbox of abilities has become fairly large. We've got a utility spell for nearly every situation, and there are a vast number of situations out there. The key to being an effective paladin is to do your homework and to come prepared.

Get your buffs right

While Cataclysm is halving our Blessing count from four to two, making it incredibly simple to make sure everything is covered, we currently have quite a few different options when it comes to buffing the raid. Blessing of Might only helps physical classes while Blessing of Wisdom is only effective for classes with a mana bar. Blessing of Kings is good for everyone, and Blessing of Sanctuary is really only needed for paladin tanks and groups without a discipline priest around. With so many specific cases for each class, it can be hard to figure out what to buff. If you have enough paladins in the raid to buff all four blessings, then simply coordinate via chat or PallyPower to get all four buffs on the entire raid.

If you're short paladins, you have some decisions to make. Wisdom and Sanctuary are the weakest of the blessings, so drop these two first. Another option is to carry around the Drums of Forgotten Kings, which is a really cheap way to bless the raid with Kings. I carry the Drums with me on my paladin, so I can bless Might or Wisdom on each class, and then use the Drums to effectively get two buffs on everyone. I'll also typically leave Wisdom off of myself if I'm paired with only a paladin tank. It's better for him to have Might or Kings for threat and avoidance than it is for me to have Wisdom, considering my already potent mana regeneration. Finally, Glyph of Blessing of Wisdom can help you keep a 30-minute version of Wisdom on yourself, which is nice if you're forced to buff the other paladins with Might.

Pick the aura for the job

I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten to switch my aura when moving between boss fights. I get distracted by coordinating loot or fighting trash or explaining a fight, and by the time we're already engaged, it's completely out of my mind. Make it a point to check your aura before answering "yes" to a ready check, and you shouldn't get caught with the wrong aura active. You should know which aura you're going to be running before a fight starts, based on the specifics of an encounter.

If you have Improved Concentration Aura, you're pretty much designated to running that aura for the encounter. The same goes for Improved Devotion Aura, though realize that many protection paladins will have this talent as well. Otherwise, you should be choosing your aura based on which will be the most effective when paired with Aura Mastery. On the Lich King encounter, you'll see many paladins actually running Shadow Resistance Aura even though their raid already has Shadow Protection from a priest. The reason is that SR Aura, when mixed with Aura Mastery, can help negate an Infest pulse if there are healers incapacitated. Similarly, you can use Aura Mastery and Fire Resistance Aura to help your raid survive one of Prince Taldaram's Empowered Flames.

Coordinate with your kin

There aren't many abilities in the game that don't stack at all, as otherwise we'd hear tons of complaints from Rejuvenation-spamming resto druids. One of the few spells that actually doesn't stack is Sacred Shield, and that's for a fairly good reason. Blizzard doesn't want to make it possible for there to be so many absorption effects on one target that they're able to bypass an important mechanic. That's also a reason why Weakened Soul exists. While many fights in Icecrown Citadel feature at least two tanks, there are a few where that's not the case. Professor Putricide comes to mind, as one tank is driving the abomination for most of the encounter.

Make sure you coordinate with your fellow holy paladins to make sure that you're putting your shield on separate targets. You can still proc your Infusion of Light HoT when you use Flash of Light on their Sacred Shield target, so there's no real loss. If you each have a designated SS target, you'll ensure that you're not overwriting each other's buff. You should do the same with Beacon of Light and tank assignments as well, ensuring that every tank has a Beacon on them when possible. Finally, make sure that you're covering all of your bases for Judgements. Judgement of Light is massively powerful on certain fights, so talk with the other paladins to make sure it's active.

Prepare your arsenal

Every guild has one. You know who I'm talking about. The one guy who can't seem to figure out how to download Omen and purposefully refuses to put any points into threat reduction talents. The one guy who knows that tank threat is in a precarious position during Lady Deathwhisper's transition between phases, and chooses that time to unload his cooldowns. You know he's going to pull aggro, and you have a choice to make.

You could Hand of Salvation him to drop his threat, but you'll probably need it for some other DPS as Touch of Insignificance stacks up on your tank. You could just let them die, which is probably what they deserve, but Lord Marrowgar didn't go well and you'd rather not have another death on your scorecard. Hand of Sacrifice is an option, but why not just negate the damage altogether? You decide on giving them a Hand of Protection to save them from a few blows.

Knowing a fight's mechanics ahead of time will allow you to coordinate all of your various abilities to be active at the most opportune times. If you know when a big blast of shadow damage is incoming (e.g. Infest), you can have your Aura Mastery finger ready. If you know when your tank will be slowed (e.g. Sindragosa's Frost Breath), you can have mouse already over the tank to cast Hand of Freedom. Knowing which spells you'll be using ahead of time will reduce the reaction time necessary when the moment of opportunity comes. The more you prepare, the better you'll perform when it's your time to shine.

Know Your Lore: Taking flight with the Wildhammer

The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You're playing the game, you're fighting the bosses, you know the how -- but do you know the why? Each week, Matthew Rossi and Anne Stickney make sure you Know Your Lore by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft.

The dwarves of Warcraft are an interesting bunch of characters -- though they haven't had much "screen time" in World of Warcraft, over the course of the expansions we've seen more focus on this odd race and its mysterious origins. Rather than evolving or being created as a natural being like the trolls or the tauren, the dwarves were originally a race called the earthen, created by the Titans with the specific purpose of shaping and documenting the progress of the world of Azeroth.

The earthen were quite literally of the earth. Created from the stone and earth of the planet they watched over, these creatures shared a deep connection with the world itself. Each movement of the ground, every earthquake or natural disaster was felt by the earthen and affected them in a profound way. The explosion from the Sundering -- the destruction of the Well of Eternity which caused the continent of Kalimdor to split into the continents we know today -- affected the earthen deeply, and many retreated to the safety of the Titan cities from which they had originated after the explosion.

WARNING: The following post contains some spoilers for the upcoming Cataclysm expansion. If you wish to remain spoiler free, do not continue.

Given the pain that the earthen felt during the Sundering, and their connection to the world of Azeroth in general, it's no wonder that these creatures -- eventually called dwarves -- would follow the path of the shaman. The life of the shaman is spent in communion with the four elements that make up the world -- earth, fire, air and water. Shaman work hand-in-hand with the elements and the spirits of the world to cure ailments, defeat enemies, and even to experience visions of the future or control the weather. There is a major difference between shaman and other wielders of magic, however -- where other casters simply take the powers they wield from ley lines, or bargain for it with demonic entities, the shaman ask for the spirits' favor and assistance.

List of simple Feral questions/concerns

4) Can the damage portion of entangling roots be removed, and the bug that says "more powerful spell active" be fixed?

5) should tiger's fury increase damage by a small % instead of a base number? like 5% or 10%?

6) will dash be given the same treatment as sprint? (lower CD lower dura)

7) is the new version of innervate intended to be worth less to specs with small mana pools like Feral?

8) Can you change the new version of survival instincts to have less of an effect but a shorter CD?, 60% is great, but at a 5 min cd, id rather have 40% on a 3 minute cd or something to that effect ya know?

9) is Bear form damage going to be a little bit higher then it currently is for Cata? can pulverize and mangle at least hit harder then maul? its kinda lame that our talented abilities hit much weaker then maul in bear atm :(

10) what is the purpose of thorns? you've been consolidating weird buffs so, i figure this is on the list of weird buffs with no real purpose

11) will our yellows be buffed up a bit to compensate for savage roar damage loss, since you guys are trying to deemphasize savage roar a bit?

12) i think Stampeding Roar should grant immunity from snares, maybe not for the feral so that it couldnt be used completely selfishly, but for the other members of the group it hits, at least

13) Blessing of the Grove, Fury Swipes, Feral Aggression, all kinda suck currently, they gettin some love? also, can master shapeshifter be delinked from natural shapeshifter? it sucks to have to dump those 3 points in if your a spec who doesnt need the reduced shifting costs.

anyway thats all i can think of now

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Goblins? Patch? Today?


Lightwell Changes Build 12803

Nemockulous 08/21/2010 14:43:56 PDT Re: Q u o t e:
How to make lightwell work:
- Change clicking range to 15y
- Make clicking it not change target

As I have said previously, this is the plan. We just haven't been able to test it yet, and the talent has enough baggage that it's hard to get players to even try it.


Just been leveling via some AB.

Level 32-54 in one day, not bad.

Friend's blog

Heya, a good friend of mine has just started a blog. Check him out at

Phat Loot Phriday: Wolf Fur Coat has the latest on the upcoming WoW: Cataclysm expansion!SubscribeTwitterJoystiq AOL MAILWoW   Class Death Knight Lichborne Druid Shifting Perspectives Hunter Scattered Shots Mage Arcane Brilliance Paladin The Light and How to Swing It Priest Spiritual Guidance Rogue Encrypted Text Shaman Totem Talk Warlock Blood Pact Warrior The Care and Feeding of Warriors Guides Blizzard Forum Posters BlizzCon Cataclysm Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Leveling Lore Newbie Guide Patch 3.0.8 Patch 3.1 Patch 3.2 Patch 3.3 Patch 3.3.3 & 3.3.5 World of Warcraft Resources Raiding Ready Check Raid Rx Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Addons Addon Spotlight Reader UI of the Week Addons 101 Lore All the World's a Stage Around Azeroth Ask a Faction Leader Know Your Lore Sunday Morning Funnies's Weekly Comic PvP Blood Sport The Art of War(craft) Daily Features Breakfast Topics The Daily Blues The Daily Quest The Queue WoW Moviewatch Weekly Features

Choose My Adventure: Polls for next Cataclysm beta stream has the latest on the upcoming WoW: Cataclysm expansion!SubscribeTwitterJoystiq AOL MAILWoW   Class Death Knight Lichborne Druid Shifting Perspectives Hunter Scattered Shots Mage Arcane Brilliance Paladin The Light and How to Swing It Priest Spiritual Guidance Rogue Encrypted Text Shaman Totem Talk Warlock Blood Pact Warrior The Care and Feeding of Warriors Guides Blizzard Forum Posters BlizzCon Cataclysm Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Leveling Lore Newbie Guide Patch 3.0.8 Patch 3.1 Patch 3.2 Patch 3.3 Patch 3.3.3 & 3.3.5 World of Warcraft Resources Raiding Ready Check Raid Rx Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Addons Addon Spotlight Reader UI of the Week Addons 101 Lore All the World's a Stage Around Azeroth Ask a Faction Leader Know Your Lore Sunday Morning Funnies's Weekly Comic PvP Blood Sport The Art of War(craft) Daily Features Breakfast Topics The Daily Blues The Daily Quest The Queue WoW Moviewatch Weekly Features

Around Azeroth Beta Edition: Lessons unlearned has the latest on the upcoming WoW: Cataclysm expansion!SubscribeTwitterJoystiq AOL MAILWoW   Class Death Knight Lichborne Druid Shifting Perspectives Hunter Scattered Shots Mage Arcane Brilliance Paladin The Light and How to Swing It Priest Spiritual Guidance Rogue Encrypted Text Shaman Totem Talk Warlock Blood Pact Warrior The Care and Feeding of Warriors Guides Blizzard Forum Posters BlizzCon Cataclysm Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Leveling Lore Newbie Guide Patch 3.0.8 Patch 3.1 Patch 3.2 Patch 3.3 Patch 3.3.3 & 3.3.5 World of Warcraft Resources Raiding Ready Check Raid Rx Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Addons Addon Spotlight Reader UI of the Week Addons 101 Lore All the World's a Stage Around Azeroth Ask a Faction Leader Know Your Lore Sunday Morning Funnies's Weekly Comic PvP Blood Sport The Art of War(craft) Daily Features Breakfast Topics The Daily Blues The Daily Quest The Queue WoW Moviewatch Weekly Features

Scattered Shots: The golden age of pet tanking has the latest on the upcoming WoW: Cataclysm expansion!SubscribeTwitterJoystiq AOL MAILWoW   Class Death Knight Lichborne Druid Shifting Perspectives Hunter Scattered Shots Mage Arcane Brilliance Paladin The Light and How to Swing It Priest Spiritual Guidance Rogue Encrypted Text Shaman Totem Talk Warlock Blood Pact Warrior The Care and Feeding of Warriors Guides Blizzard Forum Posters BlizzCon Cataclysm Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Leveling Lore Newbie Guide Patch 3.0.8 Patch 3.1 Patch 3.2 Patch 3.3 Patch 3.3.3 & 3.3.5 World of Warcraft Resources Raiding Ready Check Raid Rx Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Addons Addon Spotlight Reader UI of the Week Addons 101 Lore All the World's a Stage Around Azeroth Ask a Faction Leader Know Your Lore Sunday Morning Funnies's Weekly Comic PvP Blood Sport The Art of War(craft) Daily Features Breakfast Topics The Daily Blues The Daily Quest The Queue WoW Moviewatch Weekly Features

Cataclysm Preview: Azshara has the latest on the upcoming WoW: Cataclysm expansion!SubscribeTwitterJoystiq AOL MAILWoW   Class Death Knight Lichborne Druid Shifting Perspectives Hunter Scattered Shots Mage Arcane Brilliance Paladin The Light and How to Swing It Priest Spiritual Guidance Rogue Encrypted Text Shaman Totem Talk Warlock Blood Pact Warrior The Care and Feeding of Warriors Guides Blizzard Forum Posters BlizzCon Cataclysm Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Leveling Lore Newbie Guide Patch 3.0.8 Patch 3.1 Patch 3.2 Patch 3.3 Patch 3.3.3 & 3.3.5 World of Warcraft Resources Raiding Ready Check Raid Rx Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Addons Addon Spotlight Reader UI of the Week Addons 101 Lore All the World's a Stage Around Azeroth Ask a Faction Leader Know Your Lore Sunday Morning Funnies's Weekly Comic PvP Blood Sport The Art of War(craft) Daily Features Breakfast Topics The Daily Blues The Daily Quest The Queue WoW Moviewatch Weekly Features

WoW Rookie: Alliance newbie zone revamps in Cataclysm has the latest on the upcoming WoW: Cataclysm expansion!SubscribeTwitterJoystiq AOL MAILWoW   Class Death Knight Lichborne Druid Shifting Perspectives Hunter Scattered Shots Mage Arcane Brilliance Paladin The Light and How to Swing It Priest Spiritual Guidance Rogue Encrypted Text Shaman Totem Talk Warlock Blood Pact Warrior The Care and Feeding of Warriors Guides Blizzard Forum Posters BlizzCon Cataclysm Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Leveling Lore Newbie Guide Patch 3.0.8 Patch 3.1 Patch 3.2 Patch 3.3 Patch 3.3.3 & 3.3.5 World of Warcraft Resources Raiding Ready Check Raid Rx Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Addons Addon Spotlight Reader UI of the Week Addons 101 Lore All the World's a Stage Around Azeroth Ask a Faction Leader Know Your Lore Sunday Morning Funnies's Weekly Comic PvP Blood Sport The Art of War(craft) Daily Features Breakfast Topics The Daily Blues The Daily Quest The Queue WoW Moviewatch Weekly Features

Breakfast Topic: The alt before the storm has the latest on the upcoming WoW: Cataclysm expansion!SubscribeTwitterJoystiq AOL MAILWoW   Class Death Knight Lichborne Druid Shifting Perspectives Hunter Scattered Shots Mage Arcane Brilliance Paladin The Light and How to Swing It Priest Spiritual Guidance Rogue Encrypted Text Shaman Totem Talk Warlock Blood Pact Warrior The Care and Feeding of Warriors Guides Blizzard Forum Posters BlizzCon Cataclysm Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Leveling Lore Newbie Guide Patch 3.0.8 Patch 3.1 Patch 3.2 Patch 3.3 Patch 3.3.3 & 3.3.5 World of Warcraft Resources Raiding Ready Check Raid Rx Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Addons Addon Spotlight Reader UI of the Week Addons 101 Lore All the World's a Stage Around Azeroth Ask a Faction Leader Know Your Lore Sunday Morning Funnies's Weekly Comic PvP Blood Sport The Art of War(craft) Daily Features Breakfast Topics The Daily Blues The Daily Quest The Queue WoW Moviewatch Weekly Features

Call for Submissions: Fill our cup with Breakfast Topics has the latest on the upcoming WoW: Cataclysm expansion!SubscribeTwitterJoystiq AOL MAILWoW   Class Death Knight Lichborne Druid Shifting Perspectives Hunter Scattered Shots Mage Arcane Brilliance Paladin The Light and How to Swing It Priest Spiritual Guidance Rogue Encrypted Text Shaman Totem Talk Warlock Blood Pact Warrior The Care and Feeding of Warriors Guides Blizzard Forum Posters BlizzCon Cataclysm Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Leveling Lore Newbie Guide Patch 3.0.8 Patch 3.1 Patch 3.2 Patch 3.3 Patch 3.3.3 & 3.3.5 World of Warcraft Resources Raiding Ready Check Raid Rx Guide to Ruby Sanctum Guide to Icecrown Citadel Addons Addon Spotlight Reader UI of the Week Addons 101 Lore All the World's a Stage Around Azeroth Ask a Faction Leader Know Your Lore Sunday Morning Funnies's Weekly Comic PvP Blood Sport The Art of War(craft) Daily Features Breakfast Topics The Daily Blues The Daily Quest The Queue WoW Moviewatch Weekly Features





Lich King first kill and few words about loot

Welcome! The final gates of Icecrown have been opened up for us after months of waiting! Finally Lich King is vulnerable! According to, Blood Legion of Illidan-US has scored the world first of 10-man The Fall of the Lich King. All 10 player who participate in this combat, received the Kingslayer title. You should know that it was the normal mode of the 10-man difficulty. We can read at – Blood Legion is a high end 25-man guild, so this kill was not what you would call “pure.” Anyway even so, they are first like Louis Armstrong on the moon and who remember this second dude?
I’m too busy to log in to my World of Warcraft account, but I will try to play more at the weekend (at night or something like that). Loot from Lich King is very powerful, and you can check out, there are less powerful items from 10-man difficulty raid and more powerful from 25-man Lich King Raid. Few items are …well, devastating like Heaven’s Fall, Kryss of a Thousand Lies – wonderful dagger for Rogue or Mithrios, Bronzebeard’s Legacy – mace. My favorite is…
Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand
SwordTwo Hand
895-1344 DmgSpeed 3.60 (311.0 damage per second)
+ 181 Strength
+ 197 Stamina

2x Red Socket
Durability: 120 / 120
Requires Level 80
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 115
Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 99

What a sexy weapon ….isn’t it? Of course there are others, but for me huge swords are the best weapons ever! This weapon is my main reason to visit good old Arthas in this cold and unpleasant home. I’ll talk with my guild officer when they are planning to go to Icecrown Citadel for Lich King raid…
You know, after few years I realized – World of Warcraft or any other even fantastic MMO RPG, can’t take my life! Even when I’m tempted, sometimes there is hundred better things to do, then leveling or getting powerful items like this sword…hrrnnnnghhh…temptation is soo strong…hrnn i can’t..damn it’s really hard…you know?!

I'm having trouble following.

Heya guys. I'm having trouble following people but if you comment with your blogspot i'll put it in a post on the main page :)

Friday, August 27, 2010